所谓的先天八卦,八卦排序为乾、兑、离、震、巽、坎、艮、坤。 最简单的形成规律就是太极生两仪、两仪生四象、四象生八卦。 按照顺序赋予八卦从1至8的编号,即乾。
Originally, the word “小人 (xiǎorén)” had several meanings. In ancient China, it referred to the common people, those with a limited knowledge base and also was what one。
層 is a storey of 樓 or 塔 and sometimes we say 層樓 or 一層樓. In an ancient poem, there are two lines of 欲窮千里目、更上一層樓. When we counts storeys, we say 第一層, 第二層 and so on. Or 樓高六層. The concept of 樓 for storey might be corrupted from 層樓. It is say 一。
漢語網抵觸的解釋:以角相撞。 《周禮·地官·封人》“設其楅衡”鄭玄注引漢杜子春曰:“楅衡所以持牛,令其不得抵觸。
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